

Rogers pass classics -full day hike

Explore the heart of the Selkirk Mountains on a dramatic hike that takes you through lush old growth forest into the high alpine with some breathtaking scenery of majestic snowcapped peaks and vast glaciers. This is a hidden gem with world class hiking.

Location: Glacier National Park

Difficulty: Challenging. Steep rugged trails with big vertical gain.


Mt Begbie overnight backpacking trip

Hike to the toe of the glacier of Revelstoke’s most iconic peak -Mount Begbie. Camp below the glacier with an option to add a mountaineering ascent of the peak the following day.

Location: Mt Begbie, 10 minute drive from Revelstoke

Difficulty: Challenging, 12km return

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Mt Revelstoke summit hike

A beautiful hike at the summit of Mt Revelstoke through subalpine forest and alpine meadows to some beautiful alpine lakes. Learn the history of Revelstoke with some interpretive sights along the way to the summit.

Location: Mt Revelstoke National Park

Difficulty: Easy to moderate on well established trails and little vertical gain.


Heli accessed mountain-top hike

Get off the beaten path and explore the mountains that surround Revelstoke with the aid of a helicopter. We can customize your hiking experience with different drop off and pick up locations so you have time to fully enjoy and explore the wild places with no-one else in sight.

Location: nearby mountains to Revelstoke

Difficulty: Easy to moderate.


trail running

Experience the wilderness in a different way and move through the landscape faster and lighter. This is for you who would like to challenge yourself and get a good workout in. Revelstoke has trails to challenge all levels of runners.

Location: nearby trails to Revelstoke

Difficulty: Moderate to challenging. All levels of runners are welcomed.