Ice Climbing

The Wormhole

The Wormhole

Multi Pitch Ice Climbing

When it’s in, Revelstoke has some great long adventurous ice and mixed climbs several hundred meters in length!


Aspect Guiding

ATC Guides

Galena Mountain Guides

Gearys Guiding

Westside Road

Westside Road

Day of Ice Climbing

In the middle of winter when it’s coldest, there can be some good roadside ice cragging.


Aspect Guiding

ATC Guides

Galena Mountain Guides

Gearys Guiding

Westside Road

Westside Road

ice climbing Instruction

If you’re wanting to learn how to ice climb or improve your skills, Revelstoke has some good ice crags for learning.


Aspect Guiding

ATC Guides

Galena Mountain Guides

Gearys Guiding